Another Transportation Win For Georgia

Walt Farrell

Published April 11, 2016


Multiyear Highway and Transit Bill Passed

ATLANTA - November 11, 2015 - Last week, the U.S. House passed a bipartisan, multiyear Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act (STRR) by an overwhelming vote of 363-64. The STRR Act has an estimated $340 billion in highway and transit funding. The leadership of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and its affiliate, the Georgia Transportation Alliance, would like to thank the Georgia Department of Transportation as well as state and federal elected officials for their strong leadership on funding transportation improvements around the state and nation.

"Last week, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) announced an increase in transportation funding of $757 million for amended FY 2016 and $820 million for FY 2017," said Michael Sullivan, Chairman of the Georgia Transportation Alliance. "It is clear that the passage of the Transportation Funding Act of 2015 is quickly bearing fruit for Georgia's commuters as GDOT prepares to make much needed improvements to roads and bridges across this state. We're fortunate to be able to celebrate this historic achievement for all Georgians."

"I'm extremely grateful the Congressional leadership chose to step up, after ten years of short term band-aids, and pass a long term, bipartisan transportation bill.

The Georgia Chamber and Georgia Transportation Alliance have been leading policy and political discussions on infrastructure investment and growth across Georgia for the last several years. They've also been strongly advocating for increased state investment in transportation and long term funding solutions in Washington, DC.

"I'm extremely grateful the Congressional leadership chose to step up, after ten years of short term band-aids, and pass a long term, bipartisan transportation bill. I'm also particularly proud of the strong support the STRR received from members of Georgia's delegation," said Georgia Chamber President and CEO Chris Clark. "As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Georgia's Congressman Rob Woodall provided critical leadership during this process and we are grateful."

Paul Bowers, CEO of Georgia Power Company and Chairman of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, also noted, "Transportation is a critical component of economic growth and job creation. In 2015, we have seen bold leadership from Governor Deal, Georgia's legislature, and our Congressional delegation on state and federal funding issues that will have a lasting, positive impact on the infrastructure of our state."


Keisha N. Hines
Senior Vice President, Communications
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
404-223-2275 - office
404-409-8950 - cell