2019 Diversity & Inclusion Summit Recap

Walt Farrell

Published November 7, 2019

Event Recap

Press Release

The Georgia Chamber of Commerce hosted its second Diversity & Inclusion Summit on Wednesday, November 6th in Sandy Springs, GA.

The event was deemed a major success as the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center accommodated over 250 attendees who were eager to learn more about implementing diversity and inclusiveness within their workplaces.

The opening keynote speaker was Nika White, Ph.D., President & CEO of Nika White Consulting. White set the overall tone of the event with her informative presentation about the importance of having courageous conversations. “Change is different, but we have to be comfortable inviting the elephant in the room,” White said.

Gavin S. Appleby, Shareholder of Littler Mendelson, shared ways that leaders can eliminate unconscious bias through his educational training presentation. Appleby emphasized how both bias and unconscious bias can negatively influence how we categorize, treat, and engage with people on a daily basis. “Assumptions can cross over into unconscious bias and make it difficult to change,” Appleby said.

Georgia Chamber President & CEO, Chris Clark, shared statistics of Georgia’s expected growth in terms of diversity. Some of the statistics he shared included how much organizations can benefit from practicing intentional inclusion. “If you have a diverse workplace, you’ll have a successful business,” Clark shared. Leaders who embrace diversity can open the door of opportunity for a variety of talented individuals and a healthy growth for Georgia’s economy.

Attendees heard from a variety of well-renowned panelists who offered their insight on topics surrounding diversity and inclusion. Panel discussions included topics about authentic leadership, inclusive marketing and the positive effects of having inclusive language embedded in job descriptions.

The Georgia Chamber thanks the sponsors who supported the second Diversity & Inclusion Summit as well as the guest speakers and attendees who played a huge role in making this year’s summit a huge success.

If you’re passionate about cultivating diversity and inclusion in the workplace, consider joining the Georgia Chamber’s Diversity & Inclusion Council. Contact MaryClaire Nay at mnay@gachamber.com today for more information

View the D&I Summit Album here.