The Georgia Chamber collaborates with business leaders and elected officials across the state to advocate for policies that ensure a healthy business environment.
Support and maintain current state tax incentives and economic development policies that have proven to attract investment, create jobs, incentivize growth, and provide economic stability.
Support policies to assist in privately funded technological infrastructure advancements in rural communities aiding small businesses, colleges, hospitals, and local governments.
Maintain consistency and uniformity with respect to regulating Georgia businesses.
Employment Law
Preserve Georgia’s employment-at-will doctrine and the state’s right-to-work status.
Preserve employers’ ability to maintain a safe business environment for employees.
Support legislation that allows market force principles to work in the state’s economy free from government intervention.
Energy & Natural Resources
Protect statewide access to sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy supplies.
Enhance access to high-quality, affordable water supplies, ensuring future water supply security for communities and businesses across the state.
Health & Wellness
Support a state-led approach to ensure the viability of our healthcare system and help small businesses by reducing healthcare costs and increasing access to care for more Georgians.
Support policies that promote the development of a talented and qualified workforce across the healthcare continuum
Support the expansion of mental health services in the state through increasing state funding, building a more robust network of service providers, and reducing regulatory barriers.
Promote cost containment with respect to employer-sponsored health insurance.
Legal Reform
Support policies that reduce lawsuit costs, increase predictability, and prioritize efficiency in the civil justice system.
Support efforts to reasonably reduce landowner liabilities in negligent security lawsuits.
Support the removal of direct action against truck insurers in commercial trucking lawsuits.
Talent & Workforce
Support policies that improve education completion rates to provide an employable and adaptable workforce.
Promote efforts to better align K-12, higher education, and industry needs to bolster an effective workforce pipeline.
Support policies to reduce regulatory barriers to employment to ensure the private sector can meet workforce needs.
Support efforts to address current workforce housing access and affordability challenges to ensure communities across the state can attract and retain talent.
Support additional college and career advising to improve student outcomes.
Support continued strategic state investment into Georgia’s transportation infrastructure and oppose any attempt to reduce the benefits of the Transportation Funding Act of 2015 or divert the proceeds to other purposes.
Support efforts to expand Georgia’s capacity to transport freight through the supply chain as well as to endmarket users in the state.
Support continued strategic efforts to increase public investment of local, state, and federal funding into Georgia’s transportation network which will result in economic growth and greater quality of life.
Support development of Georgia’s public transportation systems.
'What’s good for business is good for Georgia' drives the policy and legislative direction of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.
Government Affairs Council
With a membership of nearly 500 government relations professionals from every industry in the state, the Georgia Chamber’s Government Affairs Council serves as the unified voice of the business community at the Capitol.
Policy Positions
During the legislative session, bills of importance to the business community are identified by Georgia Chamber staff or are presented by member organizations. The legislation is then assigned a support, oppose, or scorecard position through the official Government Affairs Council process.
Georgia Chamber Scorecard
The Georgia Chamber Scorecard provides our members with a concise final summary of the bills identified as top priorities by the statewide business community. Learn more about the Georgia Chamber Scorecard.
Public Affairs Team
Please reach out to a member of our team if you have questions or would like to learn more about our legislative advocacy efforts.
David Raynor
Chief Public Affairs Officer
Nancy Palmer
Vice President of Government Affairs
Daniela Perry
Vice President of the Georgia Chamber Foundation
Katie Duvall
Director of Government Affairs
Cosby Johnson
Director of Government Affairs
Sara Camuso
Public Affairs Coordinator
For any Legislative Advocacy inquiries please reach out to